Aupuni Iwi’ula blesses the National Black Theater

Aupuni Iwi’ula leading the Journey Workshop on Kaua'i

“Sacredness is not a cathedral, it’s my life.”

Aupuni Iwi’ula is the Kumu of the KALAMA Foundation. He is 100% Kanaka Maoli, Native Hawaiian. Kumu was asked to teach old Hawaiian Spirituality in 1972, but did not accept the kuleana until 1992. He is only the second male to teach HO’OMANA in his family’s style in over 200 years. His lineage spans the island chain from Niuli’i to Ni’ihau. His mother’s side of the family is from Ni’ihau, Nualolo, Hanapepe and Niuli’i. His father’s family is from Mo’ili’ili and Holualoa.

Aupuni was born and raised in Kalihi, O’ahu. He was educated at the prestigious Punahou School graduating in 1971. He continued his education in Paris, France, completing his undergraduate studies in French Literature and graduate studies in Public Administration at the University of Washington.

Before his conception, his aunts knew of his coming and prepared for his birth. They knew what this child held. The women of his family started quilting his kapa. The tree that would hold his calabash had to be found. Finally it was found in the Kawainui area of the Maunawili valley in Kailua near what was to be the quarry. This calabash had to be ready for his keiki lu'au.

In Native Hawaiian tradition, blessings are performed to invite spiritual protection and encourage a positive and successful outcome of any endeavour. Upon request Aupuni performs these blessings. He has blessed babies, homes, businesses, new ventures as well as aircraft and the Battleship USS Missouri.

The blessing of the Battleship USS Missouri...

The blessing of the U.N. at the “Water of Life: Fresh Perspectives on the World’s Water Crisis”...

We encourage you to attend our classes and experience our style of lomilomi. On a limited basis, Aupuni is available for consultation.

The KALAMA Foundation continues to grow and plans to expand internationally. If you or your organization would like to learn more, Aupuni is available to do presentations on the Native Hawaiian viewpoint of health and healing, and the Native Hawaiian spiritual tradition of Ho’omana.

Contact the KALAMA Foundation to get more information on these services.

Aupuni Iwi’ula teaching students the traditional Hawaiian way to harvest salt on the Journey Workshop, Hanapepe, Kaua'i